Florida Toastmasters Club Meeting Benefits
- Leadership Development: Members have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, gain experience in organising and guiding meetings, and develop crucial leadership skills.
- Time Management: Participating in meetings and taking on roles fosters effective time management skills
- Enhanced Listening Skills: Toastmasters teaches active listening, an essential skill in both personal and professional relationships.
- Networking Opportunities: Florida toastmasters club has hybrid meetings and is diverse and inclusive, providing a platform to connect with like-minded individuals from various backgrounds and professions.
A Typical Agenda
Starting time: 6:45 for 7:00
Theme: Something Topical Involving Communication and Leadership
1. Call to Order:
2. Welcome, Apologies and Introductions
3. Programme Changes
4. Business Session
- Apologies
- Minutes of previous meeting
- Matters arising
- Correspondence
- Officers’ Reports
- Outside Assignments
- Any other business
5. Toasts
5.1. Toast of the Evening
5.2. Toast to Toastmasters International
6. Educational Session
Something in the field of Communication and Leadership given by an experienced Toastmaster
7. Introduction of the Toastmaster
- Introduction of Officers
- Table Topics Master
- Evaluation Chairman
- General Evaluator
- Timekeeper
- Grammarian
- Ah Counter
- Fines Master
- Jokes Master
8. Prepared Speeches
Four to Five speeches, basic and advanced, given by a Toastmaster
9. Table Topics Session
Five to six impromptu speeches – lots of fun, but teaching you how to think on your feet
10. Evaluation Sessions
Feedback giving positive reinforcement and guidance, for the Toastmasters presenting prepared speeches
11. Officers’ Reports
- Grammarian
- Fines Master
- General Evaluator
12. Control returned to the President
- Draw and awards
- Matters on a point
Discussion on the meeting and other issues. - Next Meeting Details
13. Meeting Closure. 9:30pm

The success of a club meeting depends on the participants.
At each meeting, there are many roles to fill and they play an important part in making the club experience enjoyable.
Join us every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month @7pm (SAST) either in-person or online.